This Rare Phra Kring image is different from other Buddhist amulets because show the Buddha is holding a conch shell not a nectar bottle. When you shake this Buddha amulet you can hear sound of this amulet as "gring-gring". Amulet is stamped on the reverse with LP Tae’s name with B.E.2500.
Material: made from Nawa (9 Types of mixed Metal)
Year: 1957 (B.E.2500)
Size: 1.5 cm x 3 cm
Purpose for making: LP has been made amulets that require
donation of money for developing the temple.
Ceremony: The Buddha amulet created and blessed properly by LP Tae.
Power: People believe that Phra Kring by LP Tae would bring you so much wealth in your lives through fame luck as well. Also, person who worships this Buddha image will achieve good health, longevity, safety and long career.
Material: made from Nawa (9 Types of mixed Metal)
Year: 1957 (B.E.2500)
Size: 1.5 cm x 3 cm
Purpose for making: LP has been made amulets that require
donation of money for developing the temple.
Ceremony: The Buddha amulet created and blessed properly by LP Tae.
Power: People believe that Phra Kring by LP Tae would bring you so much wealth in your lives through fame luck as well. Also, person who worships this Buddha image will achieve good health, longevity, safety and long career.
Luang Phor Tae
LP Dha was highly respected by King Rama V (King ChulalongKorn). He was appointed by the King as a special ordainer who had full authority to perform ordination entirely NakonPathom and nearby provinces.
LP Tae studied Dhamma and Buddhistic incantations with LP Dha for 8 years until LP Dha passed way in B.E. 2462. In the following year LP Tae moved to study with LP Chaem of Wat Takong, who also was one of the greatest Guru monks of the country.
LP Tae learned with LP Chaem for 7 years until B.E. 2470 he made a pilgrimage journey to deep jungle in Kanchaburi province. In that formidable place, he learned with a white-rob ascetic for some important incantations. After finishing it, he returned to Wat SamNgam in B.E. 2472. Three years later, he was appointed by Sangkha to be the Abbot of Wat SamNgam.
LP Tae finished ultra high Buddhistic incantations, his flesh and bones was imbued with enigmatic power that he must have to take bathing once a year only! But it's so amazing that his body has a mild pleasurable smell !
LP Tae passed away in B.E. 2524 at the age of 90.
LP Tae's body is immortal. Before his passing he ordered his disciples not to cremate his body because it could not be burnt by any method, and apart from that he wanted his body to protect and help support the temple. So, LP Tae's body has been lying in the holy coffin at the temple ever since--it's for more than 30 years up until now.
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